Yesterday she was excited to get some cardboard boxes ready for the science project at school. We gathered about 3 cardboard boxes, a toy box and some cake boxes.
While we got it all together, we worked so quickly and it was easy. She decided where to keep it so she’ll remember to take it. I picked the bag and we all got boxes. This is a simple task, but the idea of working together makes it easier.
Today it was science day at school and she made this wonderful rain forest. She explained the project and showed the animals in her forest. She had chosen some colourful feathers and I told her that it looked like a charm.
We decided to keep just the photo and she’ll narrate the words that will go into the blog about her rainforest.
This was all good and we had a good time. All evening was good with her playing out with her friends, watching an episode of unicorn academy, playing water balloons, riding the bike, eating a snack, just about every thing. until the time came to sit down and read, she felt sleepy, exhausted and angry.
Well, there are days like these, where it’s a bit of ups and downs and I try to take it as it comes. I try and aim to not lose my temper on most days, but there are days where it happens.
I lost it there at that point when she uttered another NO. I was talking softly for so long, but that one moment when the No comes out for the 100th time from her in just a few moments, it drives me nuts.